The Miracle

Sri Chinmoy has performed countless miracles in my life, but without question the most miraculous of all is finding me amongst the mass of humanity and calling me to him.

I first became aware of this call when I was walking along a suburban street in 1987. Lost in reverie – heaven knows about what, I remember glancing up at a wall and seeing a large poster. The split second I perceived the image it depicted, an Indian man playing the flute, a bolt of light seemed to shoot out of the poster into me. I still remember the impact of this light, which felt almost physical. The light seemed to carry with it the gentle encouragement that I should go to this concert. I still remember with awe how effectively this light eradicated all mental opposition.

I am still stunned that such a dramatic occurrence passed for normality on that day! I had been meditating for a year or so at the time, so I was used to experiencing light – but not shooting out of a photo with a message for me. In those days I questioned and analysed everything - but not this time! My mind was so effectively bypassed that I didn’t think it was at all unusual to receive a message from a poster to go to a concert.

I had a very powerful experience at this concert, particularly when Guru played the piano. What a thrill the power of Sri Chinmoy’s playing gave me! I had been feeling for a while that there was something missing in my meditation. I felt I had reached a plateau, and that there was a new level of experience beckoning me, if only I could find a way to connect with it. It occurred to me that perhaps I needed a Guru to progress further. Then over a period of 6 weeks, I was graced with experiences which showed me the direction in which I needed to go. These experiences always occurred when I was alone and washing the dishes! At first, strange as it seems to me now, I could make no sense of what was happening to me. I would be washing the dishes, and then would feel what I could only describe at the time as a “bursting” in the centre of my chest. I would feel and see a beam of light coming out of my chest, and with this would come the most powerful and overwhelming feeling of love I had ever experienced. I did not understand how this could be, because until this point in my life, I had only ever experienced love in relation to another person. But I was always alone when this happened and the love seemed to have no object.

I asked everybody I came across if they could make sense of my “burstings”, as I called them. Nobody seemed to have any idea. I remember one person saying that it sounded like I was experiencing happiness. How paltry and small this word seemed in relation to my experience! It took me 6 weeks to get the message! Then one day the penny dropped. I remember thinking “Hey! A bursting in the chest plus intense love – it’s my HEART!” At that moment, I realised I needed both a teacher and a path in which I could meditate in the heart. But where to find one? I decided my brother Antony might have a clue, because I had heard that he was meditating. I rang and explained to him what I needed and was surprised to hear that he not only had a Guru, but was on a path of the heart! That day I rang Kishore, leader of the Melbourne Centre, and asked to join!

My Guru finding me has been the most miraculous event of my life for which I will remain eternally grateful.